Art Leaping Apps

Awkward! 1.5.1
Art Leaping
More than likely, at some point you've heardaconversation or joke that ended in an awkward silence.Now,however, thanks to Awkward!, you can make things even worsewithsounds like crickets chirping.At some other point in your life, you have probablyfoundyourself a bit disoriented in the darkness. Whether it be apoweroutage or cover for the murder of Mr. Body - now you canlightenthe mood with the sound of the fabled Green Wahdlelahdle! Itevendoubles as a very dim flashlig...What's that? You don't know what a Green Wahdlelahdle is? Orevena regular Wahdlelahdle?Well fear not, you can find out by downloadingAwkward!today.